Sunday, May 1, 2011


This blog is about my journey through the CLEAN program by Dr. Alejandro Junger.  It is a 21 day detox program designed to help rebuild your body's immune system to its natural state.  The video below explains more about the program.

You can also visit the website which is full of information here.  You can buy the book on Amazon here.  You can visit there facebook page here.  I would recommend this book to anyone just as an informative read even if you are on the fence about a program like this.  Additionally, odds are after you read the book you'll want to do it.

I'd like to take a moment to go back to how all this started.  Back in October of 2010, my partner and I decided we needed had to get back in shape.  We had both always been in relatively good shape, but after college as "life" began to happen we both began to add on the pounds.  We had said we would get in shape multiple times before, we even bought an elliptical for home use (that we ended up using as a clothes hanger).  The real wake up call began when everything I owned no longer fit and I was getting ready to go out of town to a conference and basically spent the day before frantically shopping for new clothes.  When I returned from the conference we bought a scale and on Nov. 7, 2010 I weighed in at 201 lbs, more than I ever had in my life.  This was the final straw.  I went through all of our cabinets and threw out all the crap and decided from now on we had to eat better.  We invested in several healthy cookbooks, began shopping at Whole Foods, stopped eating out, and began buying organic.  I'm not going to say this was easy, it wasn't.  Our grocery budget doubled, we had to adjust our schedules to include time to work out and make our meals and giving up the junk food was harder than I imagined it ever would be.  However, we stuck it out and slowly but surely the weight began to come off, we felt better and we took the time to educate ourselves about what we were eating.  Today, I'm happy to say I weight 150.8 lbs.  Over the past six months I've shed 50.2 lbs (31 of which were pure fat) and lowered my body fat percentage from 26% (considered overweight) to 14.1% (considered healthy).  In another entry I'll list some of the cookbooks we used and some of my favorite new health foods.

It was through my research into food and healthy eating that I came across Dr. Junger's book.  I decided it was worth getting.  I studied Anthropology while I was in college so concepts like this were not totally foreign to me.  I read the book in 3 days, I couldn't put it down.  After that I gave the book to my partner and said we have to try this.  So here we are, tomorrow we began the elimination diet phase.  Since we were eating relatively clean already we are going to do this for the next 6 days and then begin the 21 day detox.  However, I should probably mention we had a last dinner of carbs (pasta, bread & cupcakes) tonight!  I plan on updating this blog daily about my experiences with the program so check back soon!

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